What can we expect from the UK 2024 Autumn Budget?

Published on
October 18, 2024

We are just under 2 weeks away from the Budget on 30th October, and the Labour Government has already signalled that it will be ‘painful’.

With a lot of economic uncertainty from what will arise during the Budget, Ruzwan Boota, Tax Director at I Will Solicitors provides a breakdown of what could be expected on 30th October.

(I Will Solicitors Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wahed Inc. They provide Islamic Wills, Probates and Tax Advisory services).

The current tax-burden in the UK is at a post-WWII high, and many of the taxes are already as high as they can possibly be without the risk of reducing tax intakes due to changing behaviours. So whilst changes are expected to increase tax-take further, we feel that they will not be as dramatic as being feared by some, as you can tell from the predictions below:

1. Capital Gains Tax (CGT):

This is the key area which a lot of the rumours are focusing on as the Government have refused to rule out changes to CGT. Some people are saying that it will rise to 39% so that it is more closely aligned with income tax rates, but we can’t see this happening as HMRCs own modelling shows that an increase to say 30% would lead to a loss of £2bn in 2027/28. Remember that CGT is a transaction tax, so people can decide as and when they want to make disposals, and therefore as and when they want to pay the tax.

We expect there to be a CGT rise, but perhaps back to 28% for residential properties, and 24% for all other capital assets. There could also be some further restrictions around certain reliefs such as Business Assets Disposal Relief (previously called Entrepreneurs Relief), but the Government will need to balance this with continuing to incentivise businesses to grow.

We also have a sneaky feeling that a CGT rise (particularly if they choose a higher CGT rate) may come into effect from April 2025 to help net a boost in tax take between now and April, as it will incentivise people to make disposals ahead of a certain tax rise. But let’s see what is announced.

2. Exit Tax

There have been lots of fear mongering about Exit Taxes, and thankfully it appears that these rumours have been quashed by Treasury insiders. So that means anyone who was worrying about this as part of their plans to become non-UK tax resident , can breathe a sigh of relief.

3. Inheritance Tax (IHT)

This is another tax which the Government has refused to rule out changes to, but considering that IHT makes up only approx. 0.3% of GDP, it is hard to see this being a key area of focus for big changes.

We perhaps see some tweaks to the tax-free CGT uplift on death by replacing it with a hold-over relief – particularly for assets that are already exempted from IHT (for example, shares in trading businesses).

There are also some rumours that there could be some changes to Business Relief (BR) as this is one of the key reliefs used by many business owners. But when the growth of the economy will rely on the growth of businesses, it is hard to see anything too significant as the last thing they will want to do is disincentivise businesses from locating and growing in the UK.

4. Income Tax Thresholds

Whilst the Government has ruled out increasing income tax rates, they haven’t ruled out a change in the thresholds (the wording of what they say is very important!). We predict that there could be a reduction in the additional rate threshold from £123k to £100k, and thus a removal of the taper.

5. Pension Tax Relief

At the moment, pension contributions are fully tax deductible, which means that 45% tax payers get 45% tax relief on the pension contributions. There are lots of rumours in the press that a flat rate of tax relief can be introduced, say between 20% and 30%. This would raise significant amounts of tax for the Government, whilst still providing some incentive for pension saving (whilst admittedly less than under the current legislation).

6. Non-Dom Tax Regime

The Conservatives had already announced that they wanted to make changes to the non-Dom regime, and the Labour Government followed this up with a commitment to do the same. However, the studies that these decisions were based upon were narrow in their scope and based on many assumptions, so there are worries in the Treasury that the non-Dom changes may not raise any tax at all. Considering that any significant changes to the non-Dom regime will likely disincentivise wealthy individuals from coming to and investing in the UK, and also accelerate an exodus of wealthy individuals from the UK – there is a chance that the changes could be lighter than initially anticipated.

We suspect that the Government will take a little more time making tweaks to this to try and ensure that they hit the sweet spot with any changes proposed.

7. Corporation Tax

The Corporation Tax rate in the UK is currently between 19% and 25%. We imagine this staying as it is, however, we have a sneaky feeling that a flat rate of corporation tax could be introduced for disposals of properties within companies at say 25%. Since 2016, many property investors (rightly or wrongly) have been moving portfolios into limited companies because of the tightening in the tax regime on property landlords. We see the above change as a further extension to that.

Of course, the above are just our predictions at this stage, and we will share updates with you all as soon as the Budget is announced.

Discuss how the budget can affect you

If you would like to discuss planning opportunities in the wake of the upcoming Budget, we are offering free 30 minute meetings with the Tax Director at I Will Solicitors , Ruzwan Boota, and Wahed’s Head of Private Clients Services UK, Abul Fazal Salahuddin. If you would like to book in a meeting, please do so using the following link.

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