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Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Historical returns, expected returns, and probability projections are provided for informational and illustrative purposes only and are not an indication of future performance. All investing involves risk, including the possible loss of all the money you invest. The past performance does not guarantee future performance. Past results of any trading system published by Wahed Invest Limited, through the website or otherwise, are not indicative of future returns by that system, and are not indicative of future returns which will be realised by you. Wahed Invest Limited assumes no responsibility for liability for your trading and investment results.
Wahed Invest Limited is regulated by ADGM’s Financial Services Regulatory Authority (“FSRA”) as an Islamic Financial Business with Financial Services Permission for Shari’a Compliant Regulated Activities of Managing Assets and Arranging Custody [Financial Permission No. 220065]. Our ADGM Registered No. is 000004971.
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Entiti Wahed Invest
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Wahed Technologies Sdn. Bhd. - MALAYSIA (Company No: 1247942)
B-5-8 Plaza Mont Kiara, Mont Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, W.P. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Penafian: Wahed Technologies Sdn Bhd (“Wahed”) adalah pemegang lesen Pengurus Pelaburan Digital (DIM) yang dikeluarkan oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia (eCMSL/ A0359/2019). Ia merupakan sebahagian daripada Wahed Inc. Wahed diberi kuasa untuk menjalankan perniagaan pengurusan dana yang menggabungkan teknologi inovatif ke dalam perkhidmatan pengurusan portfolio automatik yang ditawarkan kepada pelanggan di bawah lesen yang dikeluarkan menurut Jadual 2 Akta Perkhidmatan Pasaran Modal 2007.
Semua pelaburan melibatkan risiko, termasuk kemungkinan kehilangan wang yang anda laburkan, dan rekod prestasi tidak menjamin prestasi masa depan. Sejarah pulangan, jangkaan pulangan, dan unjuran kebarangkalian disediakan untuk tujuan maklumat dan ilustrasi, dan mungkin tidak mencerminkan prestasi masa depan yang sebenarnya. Wahed tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap liabiliti untuk keputusan perdagangan dan pelaburan anda. Ia tidak harus diandaikan bahawa kaedah, teknik, atau penunjuk yang dibentangkan dalam produk ini akan menguntungkan, atau tidak akan mengakibatkan kerugian. Hasil terdahulu mana-mana sistem perdagangan yang diterbitkan oleh Wahed, melalui Laman Web atau sebaliknya, tidak menunjukkan pulangan masa depan oleh sistem itu, dan tidak menandakan pulangan masa depan yang akan direalisasikan oleh anda.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Historical returns, expected returns, and probability projections are provided for informational and illustrative purposes only and are not an indication of future performance. All investing involves risk, including the possible loss of all the money you invest. The past performance does not guarantee future performance. Past results of any trading system published by Wahed Invest Limited, through the website or otherwise, are not indicative of future returns by that system, and are not indicative of future returns which will be realised by you. Wahed Invest Limited assumes no responsibility for liability for your trading and investment results.
Wahed Invest Limited is regulated by ADGM’s Financial Services Regulatory Authority (“FSRA”) as an Islamic Financial Business with Financial Services Permission for Shari’a Compliant Regulated Activities of Managing Assets and Arranging Custody [Financial Permission No. 220065]. Our ADGM Registered No. is 000004971.
Refer to this link for the US entity, and this link for the UK entity