17 Unexpected Ways to Increase Your Rizq

What is Rizq?
‘Rizq’ is a comprehensive Arabic term for the sustenance or provisions that Allah SWT provides to His creation. It encompasses all forms of resources, blessings, and provisions that are necessary for the maintenance and well-being of individuals.
Rizq includes not only material possessions such as food, wealth, and shelter but also encompasses intangible blessings like knowledge, good health, opportunities, and guidance.
Islam teaches us that rizq is predetermined by Allah SWT and distributed according to His will. However, this does not absolve individuals from their responsibility to work hard, strive for excellence, and make efforts to earn a living.
As Muslims, we are required to seek lawful means of sustenance, engage in productive work, and be mindful of our ethical and moral responsibilities in our day-to-day activities and transactions.
Did you know that there are certain actions and behaviours that Allah SWT and his Messenger ﷺ informed us, would actually increase your Rizq? Some of the deeds and actions are counterintuitive and others are considered actions of the heart, not of the limbs.
But Isn’t Rizq Written already?
Our Rizq is preordained by Allah SWT. Abdullah bin Mas’ud RA said:
“The Messenger of Allah ﷺ —and he is the truthful, the believed—narrated to us, “Verily the creation of each one of you is bought together in his mother’s womb for forty days in the form of a nutfah (a drop), then he becomes an ‘alaqah (clot) for a like period, then a mud-ghah (morsel of flesh) for a like period, then there is sent to him the angel who blows his spirit into him and who is commanded with four matters, to write down his Rizq, his life span, his actions, and whether he will be happy or unhappy (i.e. whether or not he will enter Paradise).” [Bukhari & Muslim]
But Rizq also has a metaphysical nature to it and that is in the level of Barakah (blessing) infused within it from Allah SWT. For example, £50 infused with Barakah will be more fruitful and benefit you more than £500 bereft of Barakah! A 30-year life filled with Barakah can be more productive and impactful than an 80-year life with a lack of Barakah.
Some may think that saving up, or being ‘clever’ with money, or adopting healthy habits is what will increase their Rizq. While all of those things are important, there are certain “Sunnah’s of Allah” that we should also be aware of to increase our rizq.
The term ‘Sunnah of Allah" refers to the established patterns or modi operandi (ways of operation) that Allah SWT has ingrained in the creation and governance of the universe. It signifies the divine laws and principles that Allah SWT has set in motion and that apply consistently. The Sunnah of Allah SWT encompasses the natural order, cause-and-effect relationships, and the regularities observed in the functioning of the universe.
While we cannot directly control the exact amount of Rizq we receive, we can certainly take actions that open doors for blessings and abundance. In fact, it is the Sunnah of Allah SWT, that he causes certain actions to bring abundance into our lives and for certain deeds, he promises an increase in provision! So let’s learn about them.
Seeking an increase in Rizq does not contradict our Rizq being preordained. When you seek one of these means and Allah SWT increases and blesses your Rizq, it means He has also written for you that you would seek those means. So everything is encompassed by Allah’s decree, but since we do not know what Allah SWT has decreed for us, the sky's the limit when it comes to doing our best to strive and seek the means to increase our Rizq.
Another important point to remember is that being blessed in Rizq isn’t solely connected to monetary gain. Money is often the means or intermediation to our Rizq, whereas ‘Rizq’ itself includes everything that we have already been provided with by Allah SWT.
For example, one can make du’aa to be housed, to be blessed with transport that facilitates them to destinations safely, and for nutritious meals to accompany the well-being of their children. These aspects impact our relationship with Allah SWT, as our focus is on His provision that will equip our needs in both worlds, rather than our intentions being purely focussed on gaining money.
This is why it is essential that we connect ourselves to Al Razzaq, The Provider. We need to learn to be grateful for not only what He has provided us with, but His infinite mercy in doing so. In the same way, we trust that He SWT will provide for our needs, equipping us with what's essential for our spiritual, physical and mental well-being.
1. Choose Halal, Give Up Haram
Another word for choosing the Halal¹ and staying away from Haram is to have: ‘taqwa’. The Qur’an emphasises the profound relationship between taqwa (piety) and rizq (provision). In Surah Al-Araf (96), Allah SWT reveals His promise:
"And if the people of the towns had believed and had taqwa, certainly, We should have opened for them blessings from heaven and the earth, but they belied (the Messengers). So We took them (with punishment) for what they used to earn (polytheism and crimes)."
In Surah At-Talaq (65:2-3) of the Quran, Allah SWT informs us of an inspiring truth:
"And whosoever fears Allah (has Taqwa) and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine.”
2. Ask Allah SWT and Call on Him
One of the names of Allah SWT is Al-Ghaniyy, the rich and free of need. In a Hadith Qudsi, the Prophet ﷺrelated that Allah SWT says:
“O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to rise up in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more that a needle decreases the sea if put into it." [Muslim 2577a]
Subhan Allah! Since that is the case, then shouldn’t we ask Allah SWT, and seek His help?
Allah SWT loves us to supplicate to him alone and express our need for Him. When Musa AS was a fugitive in a foreign land, without family, penniless and destitute, he called on Allah SWT:
“Rabbi innee limaaa anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqeer,” ‘My Lord, I am in dire need of whatever good thing You may send me.’ [Qur’an 28:24]
The Prophet ﷺ is reported to have made the following dua after the morning prayer:
Allahumma inni as'aluka 'Ilman naafi'an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa 'amalan mutaqabbalan. “O Allāh, I ask You for knowledge which is beneficial and sustenance which is good, and deeds which are accepted.” [Ibn Majah]
3. Seek forgiveness and repent
The Qur'an highlights the importance of sincere repentance (tawbah) and seeking forgiveness (istighfar) as a means to increase rizq.
In Surah Hud (11:3), Allah SWT says,
"And oh my people, ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in showers and increase you in strength [added] to your strength."
This verse of the Qur’an makes a direct connection between repenting to Allah SWT, seeking His forgiveness and being given plentiful provision as a result. By acknowledging our sins, seeking forgiveness, and repenting sincerely, we open the doors to Allah's mercy and blessings, which can lead to an increase in provision.
4. Have Reliance Upon Allah SWT
Tawakkul is an action of the heart. An ‘action of the heart’ refers to an internal action or a state that occurs within the heart of an individual.
These actions are related to one's beliefs, intentions, and spiritual states. These inner actions have a direct impact on our outward behaviour of course. Tawakkul means relying and trusting completely in Allah SWT. It entails having full confidence in His plan, seeking His guidance, and surrendering to His will, while actively striving to fulfil one's responsibilities.
When we rely on Allah SWT, it prevents us from having too much anxiety about the future and about our own survival within it.
‘Umar ibn al-Khattab RA reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
“If you were to rely upon Allah with reliance due to him, he would provide for you just as he provides for the birds. They go out in the morning with empty stomachs and return full.” [Tirmidhi]
5. Be a Consistent Worshipper
The pursuit of wealth can distract people away from Allah SWT and even be a factor in people neglecting their acts of worship that Allah SWT has obliged us to fulfil. But if we busy ourselves with ‘Ibadah: worshipping Allah SWT, then He has promised us that He will take care of our needs.
Abu Huraira RA reported:
The Prophet ﷺsaid, “Allah Almighty said: O son of Adam, use your free time to worship Me and I will fill your heart with riches and alleviate your poverty, otherwise I will fill your life with troubles and never relieve your poverty.” [Tirmidhi]
6. Show Gratitude to Allah SWT & Praise Him
Do you feel as if you complain more than you are thankful? Have you ever considered that constantly complaining and mentioning your problems and what is wrong in your life, could be a type of ingratitude?
Surah Ibrahim (14:7) highlights the connection between gratitude and Rizq (provision):
"If you give thanks, I will give you more. But if you are thankless, My punishment is severe."
This verse emphasises that expressing gratitude by accepting faith and worshipping Allah SWT leads to increased provisions.
In contrast, ingratitude and disbelief have severe consequences. Gratitude deepens our connection with Allah SWT, fosters contentment, and aligns our actions with His pleasure. It is a pathway to spiritual fulfilment and a reminder of our reliance on Allah's blessings.
7. Go for ‘Umrah and Hajj
“But it’s sooo expensive!” I hear you say. How can something that is a considerable investment, cause your wealth to increase?
The truth is, that Hajj and ‘Umrah are acts of worship with immense rewards and they are actually investments. If I were to tell you to spend two thousand pounds and you will get three thousand or four thousand in return, would you be willing to do it? I’m sure you would. Similarly or rather, more importantly, by spending on the obligation of Hajj, or on visiting the House of Allah SWT for ‘Umrah, you are fulfilling deeds that are some of the most rewardable acts of worship and you are showing Allah SWT your commitment to his Deen as well as honouring His symbols.
According to a narration by Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud RA, the Prophet of Allah ﷺ said,
"Continuously perform Hajj and 'Umrah, as they both eradicate poverty and sins, just as a furnace removes impurities from iron, gold, and silver. And a Hajj that is accepted has a reward no less than Paradise."
This hadith, reported by Shaykh Al-Albani in Sahih Sunan Al-Tirmidhi (1/245), highlights the immense benefits of regularly performing Hajj and 'Umrah, including the purification of one's wealth and the expiation of sins, with the ultimate reward being Paradise.
8. Keep the Ties of Kinship
Maintaining strong bonds with family members, including extended relatives, can bring barakah (blessings) and increase rizq.
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,
"Whoever wishes for an expansion in his provision and for his life to be extended, should maintain good ties with his relatives" [Bukhari].
This means keeping in contact with them, forgiving and overlooking, gifting and taking care of family members and relatives, even when they don’t always reciprocate.
9. Give in the Way of Allah SWT
Have you ever thought twice before giving for a good cause? Allah SWT appreciates and increases the Rizq of the person who gives in Allah’s way, to support the spread of the message of Islam, for example.
The Qur'an states,
"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills" (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:261)
Giving in charity, whether big or small, purifies our wealth and invites blessings and abundance into our lives.
10. Migrate for the Sake of Allah SWT
In Surah Al-Nisa (4:100), Allah SWT says:
"And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many [alternative] locations and abundance. And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him - his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful."
The act of migrating to another land can sometimes be a daunting endeavour. However, when an individual leaves their homeland or current residence with the intention of seeking a place that will better support their faith or for a righteous purpose, Allah SWT promises to enrich them. This assurance from Allah SWT emphasises His recognition and reward for those who make sacrifices for His sake.
11. Financially Support Students of Islamic Knowledge
Anas ibn Malik RA reported:
There were two brothers in the time of the Prophet ﷺ, one of whom would attend the lessons of the Prophet ﷺ and the other would engage in business. The businessman complained to the Prophet ﷺ about his brother, and the Prophet said, “Perhaps you are granted provision because of him.” [Tirmidhi]
This hadith highlights the virtue of supporting students of Islamic knowledge. Supporting students of knowledge financially contributes to spreading beneficial knowledge and nurtures future scholars and leaders.
This act showcases a commitment to the betterment of the Ummah by preserving and propagating Islamic teachings through a virtuous cycle of education. In fact, we should never see those we are financially supporting, as a burden. This is because the more responsibility we strive to take on, the more Allah SWT provides for us to be able to fulfil that responsibility.
12. Getting Married
Marriage needn’t be an expensive affair. Islamic law places emphasis on making the institution of marriage accessible and uncomplicated. Marriage is one of the means of increasing one’s wealth.
Allah SWT tells us in the Qur’an:
“And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. If they should be poor, Allāh will enrich them from His bounty, and Allāh is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” [Qur’an 24:32]
In this verse from Surah An-Nur, Allah SWT encourages unmarried individuals not to allow fear of poverty to be a reason why they don’t try to get married, reassuring them that He will enrich them from His abundant blessings and provisions. This highlights again, that if a person seeks to maintain chastity and pursues marriage in a halal manner, Allah SWT will facilitate the path for them.
13. Give Charity to the Needy and Weak
It’s easy to start thinking that you are ‘self-made’ or that you have wealth because of your own hard work alone. But, what if you knew that a major reason that Allah SWT opens doors for you and grants you provision is because of the acts of charity that you do with your wealth?
Abu Darda RA reported:
The Prophet ﷺ said, “Seek out the vulnerable for me, for you are only given provision and divine support due to your care for the vulnerable.” [Abu Dawud]
By extending a helping hand to the less fortunate, we not only fulfil our moral responsibility, but also earn the blessings and support of Allah SWT. It reminds us that our Rizq and divine assistance are interconnected with our care and support for those who are vulnerable.
Abu Huraira RA reported that Allah's Messenger ﷺ said:
“Charity does not decrease wealth, no one forgives another except that Allah increases his honour, and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah except that Allah raises his status.” [Muslim 2588]
This hadith reassures us believers, that giving in charity does not diminish one's wealth but in fact, brings blessings and abundance from Allah SWT, so give and you shall receive!
14. Be Honest and Fair in Business
Sadly, a few people may think that scams and schemes that defraud people are the best way to get rich. But Allah SWT promises to enrich those who are fair and honest in their business dealings.
It was narrated that Hakim bin Hizam RA said:
"The Messenger of Allah said ﷺ: 'The two parties to a transaction have the choice so long as they have not separated. If they are honest and open, their transaction will be blessed, but if they tell lies and conceal anything, the blessing of their transaction will be lost." [an-Nasa’i 4457]
15. Make the Next Life Your Main Concern
Chasing obsessively after money and after the world, doesn’t increase our wealth. In fact, making sure we don’t neglect the hereafter, and making sure our relationship and affairs with Allah SWT are in order, is what will cause our provision to come to us.
Anas ibn Malik RA reported:
The Messenger of Allah ﷺsaid, “Whoever is concerned about the Hereafter, Allah will place richness in his heart, bring his affairs together, and the world will inevitably come to him. Whoever makes the world his goal, Allah will place poverty between his eyes, disorder in his affairs, and he will get nothing of the world but what is decreed for him.” [Tirmidhi]
16. Have More Children if You Can
Every time a new baby is born, their provision (Rizq) is predestined to reach them. As parents, we become the initial means through which this provision is provided. Hence, having children is a blessing, and with each child, Allah SWT bestows His blessings upon our wealth and provides for us.
Allah SWT explicitly states in the Qur'an,
"And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, their killing is a great sin." [Qur’an 17:31]
In today's world, the unfortunate rise in infanticide and unnecessary abortions can be attributed to various factors, one of which is the fear of the financial burden associated with raising a child. This verse reminds us that it is a grave sin to take the lives of our children out of fear of financial difficulties, as Allah SWT is the ultimate provider for both us and our children.
17. Seek Allah’s Bounty by Working for it
While all of the spiritual means and acts of worship that we’ve mentioned, increase our provision and the Barakah in our Rizq, they do not negate the importance of hard work and striving. In fact, Allah SWT made the daytime for people to strive and seek a living.
Allah SWT tells us in the Qur’an:
“We made the night and the day as two signs, then darkened the night and made the daylight for seeing, for you to seek your Lord’s bounty and to know how to count the years and calculate. We have explained everything in detail.” [Qur’an 17:12]
In conclusion
Increasing one's rizq (provision) and the Barakah from it, means taking the various means that Allah SWT has mentioned in the Qur’an or that the Prophet ﷺ informed us with in the Sunnah.
There are a number of acts of worship and behaviours for which our tradition promises us, our provision will increase. While the sustenance we receive is preordained by Allah SWT, it does not absolve us from working hard and making sincere efforts to seek it.
Seeking lawful means of sustenance through striving, supplicating to Allah SWT, seeking forgiveness, relying on Him, being consistent in worship, showing gratitude to Allah SWT, and performing acts of obedience all play a role in increasing our provisions.
The Qur’an and Sunnah provide guidance on the interplay between faith and provisions and give us some unlikely means to increase our provision: Getting married, having children, keeping the ties of kinship, being honest in our dealings, supporting students of Islamic knowledge, providing and giving to the poor and vulnerable in society, migrating for the sake of Allah SWT, going for Hajj and ‘Umrah, are all ways to bless and increase our Rizq.
By adopting these practices, we can cultivate a balanced approach that aligns our efforts with the divine blessings and provisions that Allah SWT bestows upon His creation.
1. The term 'Halal' denotes that it is permitted and follows Islamic law
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