Goals Assumptions
How Wahed calculates expected returns
We use historical returns from April 2010 to February 2023 to calculate average expected annual returns. Our projections are based on historical economic data as well as the details of your plan, like your recurring contributions and portfolio type. Projections include Wahed wrap fees. Estimated balances are displayed in dollars. Please see the 'Performance Disclosure' paragraph in our Disclaimer section here for more important information how these calculation are done.
Remember: Investing involves risk
As with any investment, a Wahed Invest LLC. investment puts your money at risk, as the value of your investment can go down as well as up. If you are unsure about whether investing is right for you, please seek expert financial advice. Actual portfolio performance may be better or worse than our predictions. In short, this means no outcome is guaranteed and we can't guarantee you won't lose money (including the money you start with).